
The core courses for the specialty "Information Technologies"

Advanced chapters of operation research

Mathematical methods of IT security

This is an obligatory course for 1-year students, studying for the magisterial degree “Open Information systems” and “Network software”.
The course is hold during the 1st term. There are supposed 36 hours of lectures and 36 hours of practice. Pre-examination on practice and exam in the 1st term.
The course is organized by the Laboratory of Open Information Technologies.
Within the course supposed the study of methods and algorithms, standards and also services of information technology security. A considerable attention is paid to the study of the most important services and mechanisms of information security, cryptographically algorithms and protocols, problems of information defense in the Internet. In particular are considered the main algorithms of symmetric cryptography: DES, 3DES, IDEA, GOST 28147, Blowfish, Rijndael, and the modes of their use. Also are studied the algorithms of public key cryptography, such as RSA, Diffi-Hellman and DSS; are examined the principles of Public Keys Infrastructure, the standard Х.509 (3d version). Are researched the most frequently used applied protocols of net security and protocol of creating virtual private nets.

Practice: usage eToken Aladdin O for Public Key Infrastructure based on Windows Server 2003.

Lecturer O.R. Laponina

Modern Operating Systems

This is a conventional course of lectures on operating systems covering topics of

  • general principles of operating system functions, organization and architetecture,
  • methods and algorithms for process managent,
  • interprocess communications,
  • main and virtual memory management,
  • device management,
  • file system organization, etc.

Across the course, a lot of examples of practical use cases and implementations are provided.

Lecturer Prof. S.D. Kuznetsov

Contemporary Philosophy and Methodology of Science

We regard the science in the union of the three aspects: as the cultural enterprise, as the social institution, as the process of scientific cognition. We uncover the interrelation of science and philosophy in their historical evolution. We analyze the conflict of values related to the development of science and technology. We examine contemporary conceptions of the structure and development of science. The problem of genesis of science is also discussed. We discuss the ethical aspects of the scientific practice of a contemporary researcher.

Lecturer Prof. V.P. Kazarian